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Federation and Composite SchemaSession Presentations

Panel: The Composite Schemas Working Group

Wednesday, September 11 / 03:50p.m. PDT - 04:20p.m. PDT
Danielle Man Profile Image
Danielle ManApollo GraphQL, Senior Director of Engineering
Kamil Kisiela Profile Image
Kamil KisielaThe Guild, Developer
Pascal Senn Profile Image
Pascal SennChilliCream, Co-Founder of ChilliCream
Martijn Walraven Profile Image
Martijn WalravenApollo, Software Engineer at Apollo

Join panelists from Apollo, ChilliCream, and The Guild for a conversation about the newest working group in the GraphQL community. Gartner reports that by 2027, production use of federated GraphQL in enterprise systems will grow sixfold. The Composite Schemas specification is the proposed open standard that will ensure this essential technology can be fully leveraged by a robust tooling ecosystem. Hear insights and stories from the engineers and innovators who are collaborating to bring this specification to the community.