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Federation and Composite SchemaSession Presentations

GraphQL Federation in the Wild

Tuesday, September 10 / 05:00p.m. PDT - 05:30p.m. PDT
Stefan Avram Profile Image
Stefan AvramWundergraph, Co-Founder & CCO

Real-world observations of GraphQL Federation use. Gartner predicts, "By 2027, 30% of enterprises utilizing GraphQL will employ GraphQL federation, up from less than 5% in 2024." The report states, “Federation enables centralized governance, team autonomy (teams can own their subgraphs), composability, and adaptability to evolving requirements at different speeds.” As GraphQL Federation continues to redefine how enterprises architect and scale their APIs, 2024 has marked a pivotal year in its adoption and evolution. This session will explore the rising trend of GraphQL Federation, highlighting key insights and success stories from diverse customer and partner bases. We will delve into how businesses leverage federation to create more cohesive, efficient, and scalable API landscapes, addressing current challenges and showcasing emerging best practices. Join us to understand the broader impact of GraphQL Federation in the tech industry and gather actionable strategies to enhance your organization's API strategies through advanced GraphQL techniques.